Friday, November 7, 2008

Rory's learning to walk on a leash!!

Okay so for years I've said I would walk if I had a walking partner. Ha, turns out I have two very good ones so no more excuses. Rory, the orange dog that believes the best part of life is eating, also needed to walk. So we get the collar on, find the leash, put on our walking shoes and off we go.

This picture is Rory after the third day. She gathered my shoes, probably so I wouldn't find them and then put her sore paws up in the air for a little nap. I really did have to give her a couple days off. I noticed she was limping and realized since she wasn't used to walking and her pads were probably a little sore. She recuperated and now looks forward to her daily walks. As a matter of fact after the last three days of rain, she started getting in all kinds of trouble so I figured it was time to get a little of that energy out. We had a nice long walk and she's passed out in the chair behind me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

monster is tired!!!