Tuesday, March 2, 2010

So where have I been??

Well the days are zooming by even when nothing is going on but since Christmas Eve the days have been a blur. My mother-in-law had an accident on Christmas Eve. She fell and hit her head on a ceramic tile floor. Ouch!!! We think she fell early that morning and my daughter and son-in-law found her that evening, so she was unconscious pretty much 12 hours. They did emergency surgery and she was in a coma for several days. All in all she's doing amazingly well especially since the surgeon didn't really have much hope for her at all. She's doing physical therapy and has been released to an Assisted Living Facility to continue the therapy. We are now starting our barrage of doctors appointments and I'm sure they will all say "come back in a couple of weeks." So that's where I've been between driving to the hospital (an hour one way) and rushing in and out of my house it's been a crazy two months.

Now how is my little pregnant goat :-) She's a round weeble she is. I think she's going to pop any day. Her due date is March 5th so we are watching the signs constantly. I sure hope she picks a warm day to deliver. Generally goats will go into labor during the warmest part of the day in cold weather and the coolest part of the day in warm weather, that gives the babies a better chance of survival. Ha, guess that's another one of those things the Master thought of. I'm sure that doesn't always happen but generally that's what I hear. I went out today and sang her favorite song "Soon and very Soon." While I sang I gave her a massage, she kinds gets that spacey look in her eyes. Not sure if she's tuning me out or not. Only the goats like my singing.

Well off to check on her again, it's really cold and I sure hope she waits a couple more days.


Jenny said...

pictures! where's a picture of round Zelda?!

Anonymous said...

haha I would like to see a pic too :)

I am glad your mil is doing better! How scary!