Friday, August 21, 2009

Ah HA!!!!!

It wasn't enough that the ducks were eating all the tomatoes now I see Rory has joined them. She started out picking out the nice pretty cherry tomatoes only the red ones. Now I see she's decided to eat green tomatoes and any size. Maybe she watched the ducks and thought she'd give them a try. Usually she eats them on the spot but occasionally we'll see her slinking off to the deck with one in her mouth to eat in private. Crazy dog!!!!

Speaking of ducks, well some of them had to go. We caught as many as we could and gave them to a nice man with a nice big pond. We found a way to make peace with the rest of them . . . feed them. Yes I said feed them. We thought if we take food out to the pond where they hang out they would stay away from the chicken feeder. So far it's working pretty well. This morning they were all standing by the edge of the pond waiting for breakfast. After they eat they swim and preen themselves all morning.
Hey did you know that mama duck controls how long the babies stay in the water. Left to themselves they would stay in way too long, get soaked, chilled and die. Mama knows when they've had enough and makes them get out. Isn't that cool!!!
And by the way we have a mama sitting on 11 eggs right now. Eleven more ducks!!!! What are we going to do with all these ducks?????

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I did not know that about baby ducks, but it is very interesting!