Monday, May 4, 2009

Update on the sick chicken

Well actually there are two chickens in the "Chicki-atric Wing" hehehe!!! The day after I put number one in there I noticed a chicken sitting under a cedar tree and acting very strange. So I put her in there too. I thought Number One needed a friend anyway so why not. Well Number One hasn't coughed for a week now. And she eats like a pig!!!!! I think she's well on the way to recovery. Number two actually took longer to perk up and during that time I made a discovery of sorts. While they were all together I had been making them "Gatorade for Chickens" water. It helps to perk them up a big in hot weather. As I was going to refill their waterer one day I noticed all the chickens combs were pinkish instead of their usual bright red and one even had a sort of white drip line on it. That's when I realized I had been making the water from the kitchen faucet instead of the outside faucet. We have a water filter on the house that uses salt and although the salesman assured us there is no salt residue I've lost almost every houseplant I've had since we got the system. We have the outside faucet bypassed the system. Poor chickens I was dehydrating them. Chickens need a tiny amount of salt but are sensitive to too much.
So all in all Number One and Number Two are doing great, bathing in the dirt, doing the chicken scratch and being totally spoiled. They are finished with their antibiotic and I need to confine them another week to let it get out of their system. Then comes the fun of reintroducing them to the flock. There has already been "fighting through the fence."
The excitement never ends!!!!

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