Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ashley saves the day!!!!

Oh my goodness. We have to give Tobi, the goat, 2 shots a day for 10 days. So just who is going to do that?????? We tried, I held and Vince poked. The first one went all over my shirt, the second went in the fur. We never tried a third cause we were both about to have a nervous breakdown. I'm not sure Tobi knew what to think except may that we were nuts and he just wanted out.

So Vince called a wonderful young lady that we've know for some time. She has horses and has experience in "giving shots." She came over the next morning and gave us lessons. She actually made it look easy. She is so calm and she just poked it in like a pro. Okay so we're set right.

Next day comes, I hold Vince pokes and get it. Nice!!!! That evening comes, I hold Vince pokes and pokes and misses, we give up. Next morning we try again and manage to get it, we were so excited, Tobi is still thinking we're nuts. We did go get some smaller needles to try. The ones we got from the vet are huge and this goat is tiny and has practically no lose skin to poke in the first place. Hopefully they will be a little easier. I tried the poking but I just couldn't do it. It's like putting a needle into leather.

I sure do love Ashley. She's my hero and I'm sure Tobi wishes she were here more often but in the mean time we will just keep on trying and hopefully we'll either get better at it or we'll keep the goats so healthy they won't need any more shots.

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