Sunday, March 21, 2010

More recipes

I sure do like this cookbook. The recipes are simple and the ingredients are all fresh. The flavors are light but a hint of zing. These two dishes were from the Mexican section. A rice and bean salad with a cumin vinaigrette dressing and a Veracruz potato salad. I like the potato salad because unlike the southern potato salad I'm use to it's not heavy with mayonnaise. The dressing is a simple lime juice, olive oil and oregano. These will come in handy this summer too because you can make both ahead.


Jenny said...

come to see me soooooooooooon!

Sandy said...

10 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amelia said...

You are an inspiration! These dishes look great. Right now, I'm more interested in staying outside until dark than coming in to fix dinner ... much to my husband's dismay. A new recipe is just the thing to jazz up the kitchen!