Monday, September 7, 2009

Fences and gates and gates and fences . . .

Goodness!!!! We have to put up a fence to keep the dogs in and other dogs out, a fence to keep the goats in and coyotes out. We need a fence for the chickens, we now need a fence for the whole pasture!!!!! Of course with all these fences comes gates, walk through gates, drive through gates. Gates that are all different sizes and colors. Where does it end??? What happened to the chickens happily pecking across the yard and the goats grazing in the open field??? Oh that's right, that was only in the Disney movies. When you think of all the things that can get in and get at the little critters you love you just can't leave them out there unprotected. So here we go, get your boots on honey and grab your gloves. Ahhh at least we have the tractor to help dig some holes. So far we've managed to dig 140 holes and put in 140 poles, stretch 4 rolls of fencing. Ugh, I'm tired. The last couple dozen are really giving us a hard time, or I should say giving Vince a hard time. There's solid rock under these. The neighbors started stopping by welcoming us to the neighborhood. I guess seeing the pasture fencing going up they realized we're here to stay for awhile. Either that or they want a close up look at those "crazy goat farmers." Hehehehe!!!!


Anonymous said...

"crazy goat farmers" roflol!!!!

We have been doing fence too. Only about an acre for us though. Glad you have a tractor to help out with the holes! WHEW!!!

Sandy said...

Oh, I can't even imagine it without the tractor. Yea we figure people must think we're a little strange with those tiny little goats.

Jennifer said...

Your fence looks good though! Nice and straight. I remember the two gate post holes we dug by hand once for the horse pasture. The spot was rocky and it took us almost two hours to dig those two. We got the posts set and not even two days later one of the horses must have been running around the corner of the shed kicking and broke the post off. Arghh!

Sandy said...

Ugh, I can't even imagine trying to put up a fence to contain a horse. Now we are trying to figure out how to divide the pasture and get the goats from one to another without putting in more permanent fencing. Always something right???