Yuck!!! Yuck and double Yuck!!!! I found this creature curled across one of the nest boxes with an egg in his mouth today. Needless to say I screamed a scream that would wake the dead. Vince came running with the 22 loaded with rat shot. Mr. snake took a shot in the head, ha, he dropped the egg real quick. I knew they'd come but didn't think it would be so early or he would be sooo big. Gross!! I hate snakes even if they are "good" snakes. I don't think the chickens liked him either.
EWWWWWW! gross!
Oh great! That reminds me that I need to be on the look-out for our snakey friend's annual visit - a ginormous( Amanda's word ) black snack that shows up in our front yard every spring, suns on our driveway, tries to slither up my kitchen steps, and leaves his ugly old skin hanging in my gutter!!!
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