Yuck!!! Yuck and double Yuck!!!! I found this creature curled across one of the nest boxes with an egg in his mouth today. Needless to say I screamed a scream that would wake the dead. Vince came running with the 22 loaded with rat shot. Mr. snake took a shot in the head, ha, he dropped the egg real quick. I knew they'd come but didn't think it would be so early or he would be sooo big. Gross!! I hate snakes even if they are "good" snakes. I don't think the chickens liked him either.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Guess who's here???
Yuck!!! Yuck and double Yuck!!!! I found this creature curled across one of the nest boxes with an egg in his mouth today. Needless to say I screamed a scream that would wake the dead. Vince came running with the 22 loaded with rat shot. Mr. snake took a shot in the head, ha, he dropped the egg real quick. I knew they'd come but didn't think it would be so early or he would be sooo big. Gross!! I hate snakes even if they are "good" snakes. I don't think the chickens liked him either.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Chicken Hospital!
We had a dog house (yeah right) that Rory and Annie really didn't use (wonder why??). So we took that off the deck and put it under the deck and outfitted it for a chicken. My wonderful hubby, who should have been some sort of engineer since he can build practically anything, fixed it up just perfect. He put in a roost, it already had a light, added a feeder, a sliding door, a hinged door for cleaning, and even a little table to put the waterer on. Now we add the chicken and she is NOT happy. She misses her buddies. Unfortunately she can barely breathe. We believe she has infectious bronchitis. To make me feel even worse this is something I could have vaccinated for when they were all babies but none of my books recommended it for small flocks. I guess I'll know better in the future. It's terribly contagious and chickens tend to suffer greatly from respiratory ailments.
I held her for a while on the deck this morning watching her gasp for air and I tried really hard not to cry over a chicken but oh well. I brought her in to Vince and told him we (he) might have to do you know what. So we decided to try antibiotics (most sites say they don't do much good) and give her every chance to recover.
So now it's just wait and see :-(
Monday, April 13, 2009
Rory kisses
I love my little orange dog. She's the one that is just happy to be alive. She's not really quick to learn things (unless food is involved) but she's very agreeable to most anything you want her to do. She absolutely hates being left outside even with Annie. She's also called our pig dog because she rubs everything with her face and back like a pig. She can't resist licking everything too, whereas Annie is very cautious. She is at this moment being vacuumed by Papa. She loves it, Annie hates it. Each time I clean the house I say these will be the last dogs but who knows, once you have a dog in the house it's hard to live without one. Well off to enjoy the evening with the two fur balls, oh yea and "that cat."
Monday, April 6, 2009
All in a day's work
So spring is here and there's more daylight but seems like there's less time!!!! I can't seem to get it all done. Remember the African Violets I re potted back in the fall well here's a pic of one of them now. I think it's doubled in size.
Jenny gave me a subscription to Vegetarian Times for Christmas and I've had fun trying new recipes. The veggie fried rice is a definite keeper. I've learned how to use the sesame oil and chili paste, whew well still working on that one. Here's a pic of one of my creations, veggie pot pie with biscuit topping. I'm still working on it but it's getting better every time. The biscuits are made with my whole wheat flour and a little of King Arthur's all purpose. They are really yummy. Now here's another pic of me sitting in my favorite tool. It belongs to Vince's boss and we are using it at the house we're working on. It's real fun and sure beats the heck out of using a shovel. I'm still a little scared of it though especially after ramming the fence with the zero turn lawn mower I figure I should go slow. Well next time I'll take some pictures of the house, it's really coming along nicely. So far it has some new wiring, new plumbing, new windows and we've sanded the floors. I think it's going to be a nice place. Okay off to see what needs to be done next!!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Talk about being SPOILED!!!
Check this out. This is what I get treated to most every morning. First I wake up or attempt to wake up and Vince brings me a very nice cup of coffee. The he, being the best egg cooker ever, makes me eggs, pretend sausage that tastes very much like the real thing, jelly toast and another cup of coffee. Ah, this is the life. Actually when I think about it my life is fantastically easy. I get to get up and do whatever I need to do when I need to do it. I don't recall us every sitting down discussing it being this way it just seemed to happen. Hey I like it, I'm spoiled and I know it. Of course, I do my fair share of spoiling him too!!!
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