Thursday, February 26, 2009

Rory pouts :-(

Poor Rory. She hates waiting on the deck for me to let the chickens scratch around. I don't know if it's because I'm out there or because she just hates being outside in general. She's managed to find her a perch up high so she can see us. She climbs in the chair and turns around and puts on the biggest pout ever. There she sits until she sees me coming up to the deck. The chickens meanwhile are enjoying this beautiful weather. They love getting out and scratching around. Although, there are about 5 of them that would rather be held. A couple even try to take a little nap in my lap but I make them get down. They are getting a little "plump." The eggs are coming though. I'm getting a steady 15 a day now. They're getting bigger too. So far I sell about 5 dozen a week and we are eating the rest. Go go chickies go. I always thank them for the eggs. Some of them come in a look at the empty nest like they aren't really too happy I took them. I'm thinking they might get a rooster if we move to a farm. I don't know if I'm ready to give them up to a rooster just yet though.

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