Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Meeting Wyatt

Well we have our two girls, Zelda and Basil. We picked up our little bucky boy, Wyatt on June 20th. Basil was curious, Zelda just wanted to hit him. He amused himself exploring his new surroundings and Basil amused herself with her favorite thing to do "eat." I kid you not she eats non stop all day long. I think after all the recent stress she's become a stress eater. Of course now she shouldn't be stressed and she still eats. Oh well I guess she's come to the right place cause that's our favorite thing to do too. We also have our two boys that will be companions for these three. Luke and Jesse came from Tranquility Acres. I'll post pics of them later. Tranquility is a top notch farm. These boys lived in the lap of luxury. They are adjusting pretty well. Luke is a lovie, lovie. He snuggles and wants to be rubbed all the time. Jesse is a little standoffish but is coming around quickly. At first we have to coax him to come to us but now he comes right up. Luke like to butt Wyatt around a lot and since he's quite a bit huskier Wyatt is learning how to move quickly. I'll post pics of their new home which is at our new home next time. We are almost finished redoing an old farm house, well at least it will be "almost livable" soon. So far it's been quite a job trying to work and live in two different locations but soon we'll be there for good. It's going to be fun. Gotta go get some goat kisses:-)

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