I'm trying out a new bread procedure that Jenny and I thought sounded interesting. You mix up a batch of dough. The bread in this picture contains a mixture of whole wheat and all purpose flour, salt, yeast and water. After mixing you let it rise in the container for about 2 hours then pop it in the fridge. The next day you cut off a chunk, shape it let it rise for about 90 minutes then pop it in the oven and in 30 minutes you have a wonderful dinner bread. The remainder of the dough is in the fridge waiting for the next day. As it ages it gets a sourdough taste to it. The last dough of the batch was actually the best but they were all good. It's all in the book ArtisanBread in Five Minutes a Day by Jeff Hertzberg, M.D. and Zoe Francois. It's yummy and quick. I still make my other bread because I can make that 6 loaves at a time and freeze it, but this is nice for a hot dinner bread.

My talented husband has started trimming out the windows. He's very handy I must say. The bottom of the old plaster wall had too many holes and such to patch so we thought we'd put up the bead board. I think it looks good!!!! I love the windows. This house has a lot of windows. I like the light so I'm glad. He's finished two and only has 16 left :-)