Cool!!! This is the best tiller ever. I wanted to do something about the grubs and slugs in the flower bed before planting this year and so why not use the best grubbers ever. I had an extra piece of fencing so I pulled it around front and blocked off a small area where the flower bed is and invited the girls in for a treat. It took a few minutes for some to figure out how to get around to the other side of the gate and I even had to carry a few but once they were over there boy did they get to work. Some of them work really hard and stick with it looking for every bug while others will walk from one to the other waiting till they dig something up then snatching it. Ha, I've met people like that. Well it didn't take long before the soil was looking rich and black from the scratching and I saw lots of bug eating. One of them snuggled down beside the brick for a quick bath. Whew!! That was a lot of work I think I need a break now. Now I need to get some seeds started.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Spring Fever
Well I know it's still a little down the road but I just had to plant something. Last May when Jenny and Matt were moving she gave me her African Violet to re-pot. During the move it just kinda sat there and since it was doing okay I didn't rush as you can tell. I noticed a few weeks ago it had a baby so I thought I'd better give it more room. I got this pretty pot at Lowes and I already had the others. I separated the baby (poor thing) from the mother plant and re potted them both. The darker one is from my mom and it needed more space too so I did it at the same time. I guess I should take Jenny's back to her now. I will miss it though. It's so pretty. I think she'll let me keep the baby one and it will be just as pretty. It's leaves are a little floppy right now. It's probably sad cause it misses it's mommy, but I'm sure it will perk up. Anyway that gave me a little satisfaction just getting my hands in some dirt. I think I'll plant some seeds tomorrow. It will be here before you know it!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Brrr, I don't like it!!!!
Ha, I figured chickies needed to stretch their legs and wings a little so I bundled up in my warm coveralls and mud boots and set out to spend a little time with the girls. There were a few spots where the snow had melted up toward the top of the yard so I thought they would all just follow up there. It was hilarious, the first few out of the pen started flying the minute their feet touched the white powder. A couple few over to the fence and wouldn't move from there. Three of them did follow me up to the top but didn't really seem too excited. They all kept looking down at their feet as if saying, "what is this stuff, get it off." Then I started to worry about their feet being too cold so I went back to the run and most of them followed right in. I had to go pick up the two by the fence since they still weren't moving. The three up top came walking very slowly back so I picked them up too. They seemed very happy just to stay in their run today and I can't say I was too disappointed myself. Now back to the nice warm house.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
It's our 29th Anniversary!!!
Well it's number 29 today!!! We were married January 20, 1980 on Superbowl Sunday. We celebrated our 1st anniversary in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba at our favorite place "the dump." Car parts were hard to get in Cuba and most cars were what they called GTMO specials having been passed down over the years. So we spent much time at the dump. On that particular anniversary Ronald Reagan was being sworn in and the hostages were being released. Another funny thing is on our way back to Cuba after being married, we were "snowed in" at Virginia. So today was kinda fun even though we really didn't do anything in particular. Vince spent the day doing paperwork, I spent the day cooking. I guess we should have attempted to go to the dump just for old times sake but eh the old bones don't deal with the cold like they use to. Although a few years back my considerate husband did buy me a really nice pair of insulated coveralls which I use daily and appreciate very much. Well it seems like yesterday and it seems like forever ago but I'm looking forward to the next 29.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Such a good/sad book :-(
Ahh, I just finished reading Merle's Door by Ted Kerasote. It was a really good book. This guy loved his dog so much and it was if he was reading the dogs thoughts. He tells the story of Merle's life and intersperses many facts from research about dogs. He and his dog lived a story book life for many years. He goes into great detail about Merle's last years and his failing health. This man took such good care of his dog until the last breath. He was actually cleaning Merle's bottom when he took his last breath and Ted thought that appropriate since dogs are more interested in each others backsides that their faces. It's a good book for anyone that loves animals. Merle's picture is on the cover and pictures of his life can be seen at This is definitely a love story. Merle actually look very much like my Rory.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Eggs, Eggs, and more Eggs!!
So what do you do when you're getting a dozen eggs a day?? Well, you sell some, you give some away, and you learn new recipes using lots of eggs. The latest is sort of like a frittata. I fried up some thinly sliced potatoes and put them in a bowl. Then I fried some thinly sliced onion and added a little spinach (from the garden) and put that in the bowl with the potatoes. I beat 8 eggs and poured them into the bowl with the potatoes and onions added a little salt and pepper and put the whole mixture back in the frying pan and let it cook on medium for about 10 minutes till it looked like the eggs were set. Then I placed the frying pan under the broiler just for a couple of minutes to finish it from the top. Oh boy are those eggs good. I'm thinking the chickens are doing a good job especially since the winter is suppose to be when production falls off. What on earth will I do during the summer?? I guess Vince might have to build me a little roadside stand, hahaha!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Crazy chicken!!
Well, I have a very aggressive chicken. It seems this one likes to be held, a lot!! I let them out and they all go do their chicken dance except this one. She comes up to my legs and starts viciously pulling on them. I look down and she's looking up and stretching her neck like she's looking for a place to land. So I pick her up and hold her and she's fine. Then I put her back down again and it starts all over again. Oh and if I sit down she's immediately in my lap. Some of the others come up and try to get up and they do for a bit but she'll push them off. She's just a crazy chicken. It figures though, we have a crazy cat and two crazy dogs so why not a crazy chicken. Oh well at least she's giving us some eggs.
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Secret Ingredient in Pizza Sauce??
Okay so what ever made me think you were suppose to "buy" pizza sauce??? Actually I never really gave it any thought at all. I would just plop it on the grocery list and pick up a jar. Well since I've been reading labels and watching prices things are changing. Oh sure you can get a cheapie and it's full of sugar and salt but to get a good fresh tasting one you pay!! So I thought why don't you just make it. Oh my it's sooo simple. I just sauteed a little garlic, poured in a large can of crushed tomatoes, added a little basil and oregano then let it simmer till it was nice and thick and it was the perfect sauce for my homemade whole wheat crust. I can't believe I'm this old and I am only now realizing you don't have to "buy" something so easy to make. I guess it's never too late to learn.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Huge Egg!!
Oh boy what a big egg!! Vince went out to let the chickens out of the coop and they always crowd the doorway like middle school kids lining up for lunch, pushing shoving and trying to be the first in line. So he has to step over them to get in and right as he put his foot down he looked to the left and there was this huge egg. This one was definitely picture worthy. It weighed 2 1/2 oz, was 2 3/4" long 1 3/4" diameter and 5 1/2" around. We will let you know if it's a double yolker. Most of them are using the nesting boxes but a couple like a hidden spot behind a bucket in the corner and the newbies are still dropping them here and there. Overall though they are very good girls. Now I think I'll go have some eggs and toast:-)
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